As Pokémon’s legendary year is coming to a close, there will be an exciting appearance of a Legendary Pokémon originally discovered in the Sinnoh region. The Psychic-type Legendary Pokémon Cresselia will join Raid Battles on November 20 at 4:00 PM until December 18, 2018, at 4:00 PM!
This will likely shake up the other raid bosses, so be on the look out for the next update. We will also link the PokemonGoHub raid guide information when they get it updated (though it should be very similar to the Alakazam Raid Guide).
With the Sinnoh Stone being so rare (for now) and having multiple mons which need it to evolve, you may wonder what one you should do first. Pokemon Go Hub has a nice little breakdown of which mons you should prioritize (from a battle standpoint). If you are just trying to fill out the dex, then choose your favorite looking mon for now.
It has been confirmed there will be other ways to acquire the Sinnoh Stone, but for now you can only get it from your 7th Day Research Breakthrough reward.
Meltan and Melmetal are live in Pokemon Go! Meltan seems to break the mold on a lot of the Mythical norms of the past. It is the first mythical to have an evolution (Melmetal). It is available to everyone through the special research (which you should try to complete by November 27th, or it will get A LOT harder). It also can be obtained from trading a mon from Pokemon Go to Pokemon Let’s Go through the Go Park. This will get you the the Mystery Box item. This box will spawn Meltan for 30 minutes with an Incense like effect. Plus now we know it can be placed in gyms. Wonder if any other crazy things will happen with this mythical mon.