- This event has passed.
End of Regionals in 7km Eggs
October 8, 2018 @ 4:00 pm

The regionals will be leaving the 7km eggs at this time. Stock up and hatch them before they are gone!
- Chance to hatch a regional is 12.5%
- Kangaskhan – 4%
- Tauros – 4%
- Mr.Mime – 2.25%
- Farfetch’d – 2.25%
- Chance to hatch an Alolan Pokemon is 75%
- Alolan Grimer – 7.5%
- Alolan Vulpix – 11.25%
- Alolan Geodude – 11.25%
- Alolan Sandshrew – 15%
- Alolan Diglet – 15%
- Alolan Meowth – 15%
- Chance to hatch a Tangela or Porygon is 12.5%
- Tangela – 6.25%
- Porygon – 6.25%